How to Prevent Swimming Pool Accidents in Atlanta

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prevent swimming pool accidents Atlanta
June 2, 2022

Summertime! It’s a time to fire up the BBQ grill and enjoy some quality outdoor time with your friends and family. For those who have a pool, this also includes hot summer day pool parties. However, safety should be a big concern when enjoying your swimming pool. You can prevent unfortunate swimming pool accidents in Atlanta by taking necessary precautions. Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys are here to break down why swimming pool accidents happen in Atlanta and how to prevent swimming pool accidents.

According to Stop Drowning Now, an average of 3,500 to 4,000 people drown in the U.S. every year. That number is shocking. That averages to about 10 drowning fatalities each day. Also, another 5-10 people receive hospital care for water injuries for every drowning victim. While this includes pools, lakes, and oceans – swimming pools and spas make up many of these statistics.

Why Swimming Pool Accidents Happen

Understanding why Atlanta swimming pool accidents happen is the best way to prevent them. Here are some common reasons for accidents in and around swimming pools.

  • Lack of supervision
  • Defective equipment
  • Intoxication
  • Not being able to swim
  • Missing or ineffective fencing

Taking steps to ensure the above does not happen will help prevent swimming pool accidents. The below recommendations are also for pools in apartment or condo buildings with an HOA.

Ways to Prevent Swimming Pool Accidents in Atlanta

You can’t stop all swimming pool accidents from happening. But you can do your best to prevent accidents by routine checks around the pool. Take a few days each spring before opening the pool to fix any problems. Then routinely watch for any issues. Some ways to prevent pool accidents are:

  • Regular maintenance of electrical units, ladders, and the area around the pool – general pool maintenance is a must, especially for an HOA building. This includes checking the power around the pool and making sure the ladders are secure and not broken. Don’t forget about fixing any broken tiles or boards around your pool.
  • Install fencing – see below for rules and regulations regarding swimming pool fences in Atlanta. There are very specific laws regarding the enclosure around your swimming pool.
  • No slides or diving boards – while they can be fun, slides and diving boards can be dangerous. Most home pools are not deep enough to safely use them.
  • Post rules – for apartments and condos will pool there should be specific signs posted with safety rules for all residents and guests. Some of these rules include no diving, children should not be unsupervised, no swimming alone, etc.
  • Teach CPR – all family members, and staff members of an association should know basic CPR skills.

While this will not prevent all accidents, the above list will help. Strong supervision also prevents accidents. A person can drown in as little as 25-60 seconds. Make sure you are watching who is in the pool.

Atlanta Rules and Regulations for Fences Around Swimming Pools

A fence around your swimming pool helps stop neighborhood kids from sneaking into your yard and becoming injured. Georgia and Atlanta have strict rules that we must follow regarding fencing. These rules apply to any pool over 2 feet deep, including in-ground and above-ground pools.

  • The fence must completely surround your pool. Your house counts as one side of the enclosure. But the doors leading to the pool area must have an active alarm system.
  • Remember 4x4x4 – The fence must be at least 4 feet high. The bottom cannot be any more than 4 inches from the ground. And, vertical bars must not be more than 4 inches apart.
  • The gate must have a self-closing lock, and it should be about 6 inches from the top. Also, the gate must swing outward. This makes it harder for kids to pop the lock.
  • The fencing cannot have any hand or footholds for climbing.

You will need to comply with these rules when building your swimming pool or purchasing a house that already has one.

Involved in an Atlanta Swimming Pool Accident?

Accidents do happen – despite doing everything possible to keep your friends and loved ones safe. If someone’s negligence or carelessness causes a swimming pool injury, accident, sadly a death, unfortunately, someone should be liable for damages. You need an Atlanta personal injury attorney that you can trust and who will fight for you, your family, and your loved one.

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