How to Select the Right Personal Injury Attorney

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November 18, 2020

While it is common for people to take a lot of time and care in selecting their doctor, they don’t always exercise the same degree of attention when hiring a personal injury attorney. Part of the reason for this may be that you generally don’t look for an attorney until you have an urgent need. You may plan carefully when selecting a medical services provider – but your decision about which personal injury firm to hire is often made in the heat of the moment after an accident.

Don’t Make a Hasty Decision When Hiring an Attorney

Very few of us have given serious thought to this until a crisis is upon us. When that crisis does hit, we may end up making a hasty decision we later come to regret. Perhaps we go with the firm whose billboard we’ve seen on our morning commute or one that frequently advertises on the radio or television. However, the attorney-client relationship is a close one, and you need someone who can communicate with you clearly and concisely. Here are a few things to look for when selecting a personal injury attorney:

Hire A Specialist

Attorneys today are as specialized as doctors. You wouldn’t let a podiatrist perform brain surgery. Likewise, you should not ask your family law attorney to handle your car accident case. A specialist will be up-to-date on the law, know the attorneys on the other side and have the experience you need.

Hire An Experienced Attorney

This does not mean that you need to hire an older attorney. In the legal realm, age does not always indicate experience. Ask your attorney how many cases they’ve handled, how many jury trials they have tried, and how much money they have recovered for their clients. These will be good indicators if they are equipped to handle your case.

Hire A Litigator

Make sure your attorney is an experienced litigator. The insurance companies know which attorneys are willing to fight for justice in the courtroom – they also know which ones are afraid. You need someone who will fight for you and not fold in the face of adversity.

Hire A Good Communicator

If your current attorney uses phrases like “again,” “as mentioned previously,” or something along those lines they are not communicating effectively. A good attorney is concise and efficient – he or she can say whatever needs to be said once, say it persuasively, and not to need to repeat themselves.

Hire An Attorney With Professionalism

“Professionalism” is more than personality. You don’t need an attorney who is a friend, but a confidant. You don’t have to be best friends with your attorney, but you do need to be on the same page about your case.

Hire An Attorney That Fits Your Goals & Personality

Not all attorneys and clients are a good fit. One question I like to ask potential clients is, “why do you think you need an attorney?” The answer may confirm that the client or case is not a good fit for the firm or vice versa.

Hire A Responsive Attorney

Does your attorney return your calls in a timely fashion? You need an attorney who will give you periodic updates on the status of your case. You need an attorney who remembers your story and important details about your case, each time you speak. If your attorney seems disinterested, distracted, or rolls his or her eyes when you ask a question. These are all strong clues that you need to look for someone else.

Trust Your Gut

Your “gut” tells you that you have hired the wrong attorney. Intuition is a fantastic thing, and we tend not to pay as much attention to it as we should. Listen to your intuition; it could be warning you that you’ve hired the wrong attorney.

Georgia Trial Attorneys – You Can Count On Us

Hiring a personal injury attorney is a critical decision, and at Georgia Trial Attorneys we work hard to make sure your case and our expertise are a good fit. If we don’t feel we are the firm to represent you, we will tell you so – and provide you with a referral to someone who can assist you and your case. However, assuming we are able to take your case, you can count on us to work hard on your behalf and to be tenacious in securing the justice you need and deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation. 833-4TheWin.

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