Understanding Georgia’s Right Of Way Laws

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Understand Georgia Laws for Right-of-Way
May 16, 2022

Understanding who has the right way in Georgia is a critical matter that every driver needs to keep in mind. It is extremely important to not only keep drivers safe but also keep the road safe for bikers, and pedestrians. If you don’t understand or follow the laws you could, unfortunately, end up in a car accident. Georgia car accidents, especially ones that occur because of the right-of-way, can lead to medical injuries, loss of earnings, and financial stress. The attorneys at Georgia Trial Attorneys are here to break down the laws for right-of-way in Georgia.

What are the laws for the right-of-way in Georgia?

According to Georgia law for the right-of-way, here are some of the most important things to remember and be aware of;

Intersection laws for the right of way in Georgia

  • When a driver is approaching an intersection with either a traffic light or stop sign. The driver is required to fully stop. Any vehicles or pedestrians in the intersection have the right of way.
  • If there is not a stop sign or a traffic light and a driver is approaching an intersection. They must yield to any driver who reached the intersection first. If more than one driver arrives at the intersection at about the same time. The driver in the left vehicle must yield the right of way to the driver in the right vehicle.
  • Pedestrians are always given the right-of-way at all four-way stops. Vehicles can then move through a four-way stop in the order they arrive once any pedestrians have crossed. Refer to the law above if two drivers reach the intersection at the same time.
  • A driver must slow down and prepare to stop for traffic or pedestrians when approaching a yield sign.
  • Drivers are required to yield to oncoming traffic before making a turn.

Merging laws for the right of way in Georgia

  • When merging into traffic, a driver must yield to any vehicles in the lane they’re moving into.
  • If a driver Is entering a roadway from a secondary (a road that is not part of a highway system) or private road. The driver must yield to any vehicles or pedestrians already in the primary roadway.

Emergency and maintenance laws for the right of way in Georgia

  • All drivers are required to yield to emergency vehicles such as police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances when these vehicles have their lights and sirens turned on. They should also slow their vehicles and move out of the way and to the side of the road so emergency vehicles can pass.
  • A driver must yield and slow down for road maintenance vehicles and any workers in a construction zone.
  • If there is a school bus that stops and displays a stop sign and red flashing lights drivers are not allowed to pass any school bus unless the driver is traveling in the opposite direction on the highway on the other side of a median.

What is the right of way penalties in Georgia?

Penalties for failing to yield the right-of-way at an intersection really depend on what happens as a result of the driver’s actions. If you are pulled over by the police usually you will be issued a ticket with a fine. The amount of the fine depends on where the violation occurred. Usually, three points will also be added to your driver’s license.

Penalties are greatly increased for any violation where a driver does not follow the right-of-way laws and hits another car, pedestrian, cyclist, or motorcycle. Depending on the injuries caused by failing to not follow the law of the right of way in Georgia, a driver could receive large fines, jail or prison time, the loss of their driver’s license, etc.

How to prove fault in a right of way accident in Georgia

For a personal injury case, the facts need to be presented. The most important thing to prove in your case is that the other driver was negligent. This means that you have to prove that the other driver in fact did not follow the rules of right-of-way in Georgia and ended up causing you injury or harm.

If you find yourself in this situation it is important that you understand what you should do after you have been in a car accident with multiple people. After you have made sure that you are ok and your passengers are ok, they are steps yous should collect to gather your evidence. You should also hire a knowledgeable Atlanta car accident attorney that will be able to help you recover full compensation.

How Georgia law handles shared fault in a right of way accident

There is a law in which Georgia the state handles cases in which multiple parties share fault. A plaintiff can recover compensation for their injuries as long as they are less than 50% responsible for the accident. If you are found liable at all for a right of way accident. The court will then reduce your compensation by the percentage that you are found to be a fault.

Involved in a right-of-way car accident in Atlanta?

Most car accidents in Atlanta are preventable if each driver understands and follows the right-of-way laws in Georgia. However, unfortunately, mistakes happen, resulting in car accidents to happen. If an accident should occur it’s important to contact an Atlanta car accident attorney you can trust.

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